Monday 10 November 2014

Epilepsy Weekend For All

I feel really bad as I haven't got round to writing about the Epilepsy Action Weekend for All which I went to last weekend.

The last week has been a bit of a blur, I have just had so much going on, from adoption to seizures, potty training to just being really tired... I have just got so much to blog about but just haven't had the time to get it all down on paper.  So here goes... I will be writing individual posts about some of the topics which were brought up over the weekend so I want this blog to be a short overview of the weekend.

The main thing about the weekend is that it is such an opportunity to talk to others with epilepsy.  It's a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones.  In day to day life you just have to get on with things, epilepsy affects so many areas of our lives but you just have to knuckle down and get on with things as best you can.

The weekend gave me a chance to hear what other people both struggle with and are achieving.  It made me feel less alone, gave me inspiration to really go for the things I want and also gave me a chance to reflect on some aspects of living with epilepsy.

There was a girl there who has a lot of seizures, but she really inspired me, she doesn't let it stop her from doing so many things, from traveling on her own to riding her horses, it made me realise I need to really go for my dreams.  So the two things I really want to go for this year... training for the marathon and trying to adopt.

It also made me think about the way I treat the people around me, it made me think about the impact my epilepsy has on my Mum and Rich.  I think sometimes I don't think about them enough, I don't realise how hard it is for them.  Talking to people who don't have epilepsy themselves but their loved one does made me think about things a bit more from their point of view.  I think it is something I need to work on.

But generally it was a weekend full of lots of information and fun :)

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