Monday 11 March 2013

9 Month Development...

I haven't said much about how Riley's progressing recently...

Well she's 9months and growing up so fast!!!  She is eating really well and I think I could stop her mid morning feed completely as she's quite happy eating healthy snacks like babybel, breadsticks etc to tide her over til lunch, but not sure about it as a lot of people seem to be giving a lot more feeds than me, so I think I will maintain our routine a bit longer...

She is still sleeping pretty well, she has her moments when we have to do the odd bit of controlled crying, recently she seems to be feeding more at night, don't know whether that's due to a growth spurt or just for comfort... we will have to see how it goes, but considering trying to cut out the 11pm ish feed so she just has the one feed overnight.

She now seems to be settling for a sleep in the morning, when we're at home, after her mid morning feed I have been putting her into her car seat tucking her in with her blanket and rabbit and I sit in the room and do some work on the computer and she drifts off to sleep on her own :)

Moving around... well she hasn't really mastered the crawling yet...  she sort of squirms around and can wiggle to things near by but she can't seem to crawl!  She will lie on the floor kicking her legs like she's in the swimming pool!  Yesterday she did push her bottom up and her arms and shuffled backwards a bit and then got frustrated and cross but maybe it will happen soon, we will see.  I know that when she is crawling I will wish she would just stay still and be in the same place I left her... but there's always that little nag in the back of my brain that maybe my meds did effect her... I know it's silly as she is so alert and interested in everything and she really babbles away all the time :)

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