But now she is able to understand so much it has got me
thinking maybe I need to start looking at how I can explain to her about my
epilepsy and what she needs to do if I have a seizure. It’s such a difficult thing to judge, so far
I have never had a seizure while she has been there so if she saw me have a
seizure it could really scare her. Knowing
what to do could really help but I don’t want to scare her by telling her too
much or something she doesn't really understand.
Is 2 just too young? How do I go about explaining something
so complicated to her in a simple way?
These are all the questions I have started to ask myself. My mum bought me a lovely little book for
Christmas which I think is where I am going to start. It is called ‘Epilepsy Book for Kids’ by Layla
Reid who is seven and whose mum has epilepsy.
This then got me thinking – everyone’s epilepsy is so
different and everyone’s situation is different what would be lovely would be a
personalised book for Riley, about my epilepsy – in fact maybe this is
something I could actually look into – could I develop personalised books for
children whose parents have epilepsy…