I'm going to start with Riley and how amazing she is. At the moment she is just learning something new everyday. The most amazing thing is how fast her speech is developing. She was a bit behind in her speech when she turned 2 but it seems like she has just skipped the sticking 2 words together stage and is now talking in full sentences! Everyday she learns new words, I just can't keep up with her!
The second main thing going on is this meds change. I am now 2 weeks away from being on the maintenance dose of Keppra and have started weaning off my Lamotrigine. It's all going ok, no major seizures at the moment which is good.
I just feel so so tired though. It is very difficult to judge whether I'm feeling low because of the Keppra or just because I am so tired. I just can't be bothered sometimes and I have been a bit snappy at times but again I think it's just because I am tired. The main thing is that should get better. I think I just need to be patient and give it time. (I have a lot more to write on this subject but I am tired and can't put it down in words right now).
I have had some little panic attack things and one focal seizure... things just seem a little unsettled at the moment but hopefully everything will be settled by Christmas time.
I'll leave you with a picture of Riley, can't believe how fast she is growing up.

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