It's Christmas!!! Christmas with a baby brings back all the magic. Riley was mesmerised by all the lights, decorations and music that was around in the run up to Christmas. I'm pretty sure that was all much more exciting than all the lovely Christmas presents she recieved and she really did recieve lots of lovely presents.
One of her favourite things was putting the Christmas tree up in our house. Before it even had any decorations on it she was cooing at the tree and then the lights just made her stand there with a huge smile on her face. Nanny and Grandad went away to a Christmas market in Europe and brought her back a tree decoration, they are planning to do it every year so she will have a decoration for the tree for each of her Christmas'.

We went to the children's service at church which Riley mainly slept through but I think in future years she'll love dressing up as an Angel or Shepherd, it is something that reminds me of Christmas Eve as a child.

Christmas day was wonderful. All the family together, Rich and his brother cooked an amazing dinner which Riley tucked into (and she ate a left over turkey pasta bake I made on Boxing day!!!) She loved the wrapping her presents came in (possibly more than the presents themselves at the time). But I think the thing she found most amusing was my Mum and Dad's dog, Lily, which is fast becoming her best friend. The whole day was filled with love and laughter and Rily loved it, lots of smiles.

I think some of her best presents were she got a walker and talking dog from her Nanny and Grandad Mick in France, some bubbles and hand puppets and a rolling noisy ball thing. My parents got her swimming lessons which is something we really want her to carry on with so that was fantastic.
All in all a truely magical time and even though she won't remember it I think she enjoyed it in the here and now and that means a lot both to her and us.
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