Yesterday we had our churches Christmas celebrations, my friend Emily organised ‘Muddles’ which is messy church and the hope is to reach out to families on the St.Helier estate. It was fantastic; Riley went and made a wide range of works of art! There were a few local families and hopefully they will tell their friends they had a good time and it will grow like that, it can be quite difficult to encourage people into a 'church'...
Then in the evening we had carols by candlelight, we walked round nativity scenes singing a carol at each, the scenes had been painted and decorated by people at the church. It had some very amusing moments; it made the nativity more real somehow, more on everyone’s level. Riley stayed up for it and loved it, she has been up till 9ish a few times recently and seems to stay in a good mood and then just pass out when we put her in her cot!
I love going to our church, it feels like a true family, it accepts everyone, even if you don’t believe like Rich you are still made to feel so welcome. My mum sort of summed it up; the people running the church are on a level with everyone else. It’s not like they are looking down on the people they are helping.

Muddles happens once a month - the next one is Monday 26th January 2014 and is Superhero themed. So if you fancy some arts and crafts fun come along to Horizon Church, Assembly Walk, Carshalton, SM5 1JH from 4-5.30pm. See you there!
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